This is a draft of the introduction to a non-fiction work I am planning. The working title is Laura's Lessons - again the alliteration works for me with that title.
The inspiration came from several sources. I love to listen to podcasts, and one of my favorites is Moody's Midday Connection . Jan Silvious is a frequent guest on that talk show, and some time in 2010 I heard an interview with her about her book, Same Life, New Story. The theme of the book, which I have since purchased, is how changing your perspective on your story, and God's part in writing it, is key to changing your life. A more recent podcast (May 2010) was an interview with therapist Margo Tirado on the topic of what happens when a woman finds her voice. During that interview she talked about the exercise of with making a sign for yourself - a short description of what you believe about yourself. As you examine those, you learn to replace those statements that we've assumed where true with the real truth of God's word.
So anyway.... that's the back inspired me to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and explore this...I wrote and wrote into the night, several nights over about a week's time. One day while I sat in the dentist's chair I came up with that working title, as well as chapter titles. The reason I use my name in the title is because of the meaning that has become so important to me in my journey. Laura comes from the Greek for laurel,
which is what they would use to make a victory wreath to place on the head of a champion. This book is to be about how I came to see myself as victorious. It involves an inspired discipline of seeing myself as "victorious" rather than any one of the variety of nicknames thoughtless people threw at me. It has become a way for me to lift up that laurel crown of victory, and show others how, by God's Grace and inspiration, it can be done.
I wrote several chapters in those nights, many of which refer to things I've already written or scenes I remember but only described with a phrase or two, so obviously they will need to be fleshed out. I am taking to heart the advice of my Literacy League supervisor to not show up at work so often, so as not to spread myself too thin. I will take that personal time to work on these chapters of my life -- finding the lessons, finding my voice -- and God's voice...and sharing it here. I welcome your comments -- either by e-mail or as posted comments (you have to register for an account, but all it requires is an e-mail, I think).
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