And He said, my GRACE (favor, good will, loving-kindness, the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in Christian faith, knowledge, affection, and kindles them to the exercise of the Christian virtues), is SUFFICIENT (possessing unfailing strength, enough) for thee, for my strength (dynamis -- the word says it all -- power inherent in God the creator) is made complete, fulfilled in my weakness (inability to understand, do, resist or bear).
Let's take just that chunk -
Grace - not just "God's Riches At Christ's Expense," or an undeserved gift, but so much more! Amazing how that one word encompasses not just God's kindness (as if that were a small thing), but also the influence He has on our souls to turn us to Him, where He will keep and even strengthen us.
And did you catch that part about ENOUGH? That isn't the picture of having just the right amount of milk for everyone to have one full glass. There is strength there -- unfailing strength -- that doesn't just fill a need, it wipes it out! And though that need may rise up again, though that spot may again become empty, God's GRACE is strong enough to draw us back to Him.
When I look at this verse and think about my original question of serving even when I feel empty and dry, the answer becomes clear. If I come empty hoping to be filled by the strokes of positive affirmation from others, or even from the satisfaction of expressing a thought well, I will be self-seeking in my service. My emptiness must be filled by Christ and Him alone. Only there can I find enough.
And God's power being made perfect or complete in our weakness? Does this imply that in order for God to act in us with all His power, we must allow our weakness to be evident? It almost sounds as if God's power is NOT complete (in us) if we don't allow for our own weakness. Wow. Doesn't that turn you on your head. Doesn't leave room for any posturing, does it?
Therefore I will glory (boast, be happy with or without reason) all the more in my weakness, or my inabilities, that the power of Christ -- dynamis -- may rest -- not just rest, but take up residence -- in me.
So my weaknesses -- my places of emptiness -- shouldn't cause me shame, but they should cause me joy, because THAT'S where I will see God's power -- His DYN-O-MITE power -- the same power that did so many healing miracles -- take possession of the country of my heart.
I should be glad that I've discovered and admitted to these places of emptiness?! That's where God's power will go? I see the image my soul covered with deep crevice of dryness and emptiness, and of water seeking the deepest point...and then a little trickle of water becoming a stream and a mighty rushing wave of immense power -- power that is a enough and creative and kind, merciful and gracious, that incredible hydraulic power -- becoming a wild rushing wave pulling us, tossing us and holding us to Himself, and we are embraced in a roaring tidal wave of Love. That is what fills our emptiness, over and over again.
I am ready, I am desperate to be filled and changed.
This is transformational truth. Most certainly.
If you have a few minutes, take a look at this clip from Youtube -- it's powerful waves set to a song by Gregorian called "Nothing Else Matters."